The Power and Pitfalls of Status in Social Networks: Scruff’s Blue Dot

The Power and Pitfalls of Status in Social Networks: Scruff’s Blue Dot


Jason Marchant Explains How Motivating with Status Can Go Either Way

We all know motivating with SAPS and status can go a long way but what happens when it works against you?

Scruff is a fast-growing global brand in mobile dating, and the world’s second largest mobile social network distinguished by a tight-knit community, vocal users and strong brand image. With this powerful cohesion and motivated users, the introduction of status items can have unintended consequences – both positive and constructively challenging. Founding Partner and Chief Product Officer Jason Marchant shares the lessons of Scruff’s Blue Dot – an arbitrary status program that pushed the community’s buttons – and how you can leverage those insights for your community-oriented site, service or app.

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