Gamification Co’s Reward Program Now Powered by BigDoor

Gamification Co’s Reward Program Now Powered by BigDoor


GCo’s New Gamification Features Powered by BigDoor

How much gamification could GamificationCo game if GamificationCo could gamifiy its GamificationCo blog?

Well that didn’t work so great. Let me try again.

Gamification Co now officially has gamification elements built into the site! As a proponent of gamification, it only makes sense that Gamification Co adopts some of these engagement practices.

Users should be rewarded for their actions, so now we’re rewarding our community for engaging with Gamification Co. Now you can earn points, badges, and some special rewards for watching videos, reading news stories, sharing our media, and even simply visiting the site.

Taavi Lindmaa, the head of our new gamification project, has some advice for earning points:

“Above all, we encourage everyone to continue helping us build our community gamification database, The GBase. Submitting your favorite examples of gamification will be the best way to earn points, build a valuable community resource, and win our awesome prizes”

Some of the prizes include Gabe Zichermann’s books, a 1-on-1 discussion with a gamification expert, and even free tickets to GSummit SF 2013!

Perhaps most importantly, we wanted to give our readers on what a gamification system might look like and how interaction with one feels like.

Powered by the BigDoor gamification system, we would like to showcase some of the standard game mechanics that could be used in a gamification system and promote an open-discussion of the appropriate uses and efficacy of these mechanics.

BigDoor also made some statements about powering our new gamification system:

BigDoor has worked with Gabe since the beginning and we have been a proud sponsor and supporter of his for years including the very first GSummit. is an important source for gamification news, insight and topics on the web. By adding our gamified loyalty platform to the site, we have an awesome opportunity to showcase our platform to a large number of readers and visitors who are already interested in gamification’s potential. already has a lot of great content. With the BigDoor platform we expect to increase consumption, sharing and engagement with existing site content while encouraging anonymous visitors to sign in and register.

BigDoor’s network wide stats show user registration lifts of 50%, 25% more user engagement and 20% more return visits.  While specific sites will display different results based on a number of factors, we expect to see significant positive results on GCo.

We’re excited to be able to provide this new gamification experience for our great community with the help of BigDoor and we’re definitely looking forward to rewarding our most engaged followers.

To learn more about BigDoor’s gamification platform visit their website at

If you have any thoughts, comments, ideas, or any kind of feedback, please sound-off in the comments below.


  1. Firstly, I’d like to say the site’s looking better than ever, props to you guys for the impeccable execution. Just out of curiosity, was there a specific event/reason that lead to this Bigdoor installation? I’m interested in some of the underlying reasons why you decided “It’s time.” Other than past ties with Bigdoor, were there platform advantages that drew you in to Bigdoor that made you decide against other competitors such as PunchTab, among others?



  2. It is a great initiative, team. It will also help newbies to learn about gamification in a familiar terrain. Would you like to share , why did you go with BigDoor?

  3. I also really like the quests, which is kind of a tutorial to guide one through the website. I think it’s important to make sure that users know all the features of an application (or information provided by a website) to finally find it useful.

  4. The first time I entered the page I thought: “Wow, the best page about gamifiaction and it is not gamified! It seemed so obvious to me that Gco had to be gamified. Now that it is (gamified), I am relaxed and going for the big prize 😛

    • Hi Randyll,

      In most gamification systems, spending earned coins will not typically lower your ranking on a leaderboard, even if earned experience and coins are the same system that determines where you are on the leaderboard. This platform maintains your rank for total coins earned and not how much you currently have.

      You generally don’t want your players to be able to lower themselves because it undermines the value of coins since nobody will want to spend it in order to maintain their leaderboard ranking.

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