Global Challenge: RFP on Using Gamification to Counter Violent Extremism in Kenya

Global Challenge: RFP on Using Gamification to Counter Violent Extremism in Kenya


Chemonics International is Seeking a Gamification Solution Against Violence

We recently received an interesting email that requested our helping in finding possible gamification applications for countering violent extremism (CVE) under the Kenya Transition Initiative, a program dedicated to stabilizing Kenya’s political unrest and violence.

The RFP comes directly from the US Agency for International Development and seeks to accomplish the following:

KTI’s CVE programming objective is to create stronger identity and self-confidence of youth to allow
them to reject extremism. The CVE program is a pilot program for USAID in that it focuses on pull
factors to extremism instead of the push factors that traditional development programs address. The
hypothesis is that addressing push factors is necessary but not sufficient to reduce the draw towards
extremism. Further, KTI found very early on that addressing the key push factors (livelihoods, legal
residence, and government attitudes towards youth) are extremely difficult in the Kenyan context.

According to the goals, this gamification challenge is focused primarily on education and empowering youths to reduce their likelihood to engage with extremism. If you or know of any other organizations that might be interested in tackling this challenge, please read their official request for proposal and contact by 5pm EST on October 11, 2013.

For all you big gamification vendors, here’s an opportunity to prove your platforms can produce significant change in the world.

CC Image by US Army Africa

EDIT:  We’ve been updated with a new due date: the deadline for submissions is now 5 p.m. EST on November 22, 2013 to KTI Representative (


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