Gamification Office Hours for My Readers

Gamification Office Hours for My Readers


One of the most interesting things I’ve learned about myself over the past few years of Gamification Workshops and as head of the Founder Institute in NYC (application deadlines are nigh!) is how much I enjoy teaching. This year, I hope to have ever more opportunities to educate.

In keeping with that vision, and as a way of giving back to my amazing readers – I’ll be offering Office Hours. Once a week (with some exceptions if I’m traveling) I’ll be making myself available for office hours using the awesome Bring your gamification ideas, concepts, concerns, questions – whatever – and sign up for a slot here.

Beyond this week, I’ll be updating my ohours every monday for that week, and you can check Twitter for the latest.

There’s just one thing – I’ll be giving priority to folks that have read (better still if you’ve written a review of) my books – Game Based Marketing and Gamification by Design. It’s only fair to those that have put in an effort to understand the design fundamentals of gamified systems. Also, it makes office hours a lot more fun when we have a shared understanding. So, be ready to show me your review or book when reserving or when we chat.

Looking forward to chatting with you all!