Keas Releases New Keas 360/365 Enterprise Health Platform

Keas Releases New Keas 360/365 Enterprise Health Platform


Keas Introduces New Enterprise Health Platform

The folks at Keashave been working hard at improving workplace productivity by focusing on making corporate wellness more engaging. Yesterday, they’ve unveiled the Keas 360/365 Platform to deliver a new product ecosystem and enterprise platform that will engage its users with healthy habits in and out of the workplace. The new Keas 360/365 Platform will include features like:

  • Personalized Profiles and Assessment Reports
    Keas takes a comprehensive view to corporate wellness that starts with generating a detailed and personalized user profile, based on the Keas Health Risk Assessment (HRA). The Keas HRA will allow employees to set custom wellness goals and objectives, incorporating the entire spectrum of wellness activities including diet, fitness, and mental health.
  • Third Party Connectivity and Support
    Keas has opened its core platform to partners to further enhance engagement and employee wellness. The partnership program amplifies the power of Keas with third party wellness applications, mobile devices, and content publishers. Keas application partner MyBrainSolutions offers more than 25 games on Keas that help employees improve mental acuity, focus, and productivity.
  • Full Mobile Experience
    The Keas platform is accessible on the mobile web and through a native iOS app for all iPhones. Now, employees can access the full Keas experience, from registration, goal setting and social newsfeeds to participating in fitness challenges and boards, all from their mobile devices. New Keas games and polls deliver critical nutrition, fitness and stress management information while also enabling HR to share important company information. Keas is also introducing seasonal content relevant to the health activities, challenges and opportunities of each month.

The new platform has already been reported to see a 100% daily increase in user engagement with its users. I’ve personally spoken to co-founder Adam Bosworth about Keas whilst waiting for in line for our food truck lunch at GSummit 2012 and I personally believe in the man’s mission to promote corporate wellness with these engagement techniques.

Have you tried out Keas’ platform in the past? How has it worked out for you?


  1. App integration is a powerful idea, allowing players to get some variety to maintain interest. One downside is that the moves between apps need to “flow” with the user experience.