Create Your New Look with Zappos VIP Outfit Builder

Create Your New Look with Zappos VIP Outfit Builder


A few weeks back we reported on the new Zappos VIP features that added a layer of gamification to the exclusive shopping tier of the popular online store. Excitement by customers has increased when Zappos launched the new “Outfit Builder” (beta) late last month. This paperdoll-esque interface allows you to browse the selection, pick out items and assemble them together so you can get a better idea of what they’d look like wore together.

This immediately sounds like an idea that is both practical and fun! Shopping online (or via catalog) has always required a bit of imagination. The Outfit Builder helps to take some of the guesswork of  “Will these shoes go with this dress?” quandaries and allows the user to experiment, be creative and go for options they might not have considered before. Outfits can even be shared in a public gallery where they can be voted on (literally for their “wow” factor) and can inspire other users.


All that being said, the overall design still needs some work. Many of the images don’t work well in this format. For example: the cut-out of a dress that still has a bit of the model’s hair on the shoulder, shoes & accessories stay locked within huge white boxes, shoes pointing everywhere but forwards, etc. Perhaps as time goes on Zappos can include images that are made for the game, as opposed to simply stuck into it. Maybe users could even upload photos of themselves to be the model for these ensembles to get an even better idea of how the look will come together.

Not to be discouraged, even with these aesthetic set-backs some Zappos customers have really let their imaginations soar!

A gradient pattern of polo shirts
Fear the Dark Side!

Customers are clearly enjoying playing with this new feature the way it is. Surely usage and enjoyment will increase as new updates are made. Looking forward to seeing what else Zappos VIP can come up with!