Call it “Reverse-Rypple”: New Startup Allows Employees to Give Anonymous Feedback to...

Call it “Reverse-Rypple”: New Startup Allows Employees to Give Anonymous Feedback to Superiors


Services like DueProps and Rypple (now have already demonstrated the power of immediate feedback in the workspace. Anything is better than that awful yearly performance review but what if you had the opportunity to review your boss as well? There is now a new startup that allows employees to freely give constructive feedback to superiors, called Tell Your Boss Anything.

The service is free for employees and enables them to express themselves to managers without fear of being punished for their honesty. As with any anonymous service, some may use this service to say some offensive comments but Tell Your Boss Anything does have vulgarity and offensive comment filters in place to block these out; repeat offenders can also be removed from the system altogether.

Managers that want to access the honest feedback will have to pay $20/month to read user comments and will then gain access to tools that will help both the anonymous party and the manager to work through the problems at hand. The service has been running for about a month and there aren’t any official numbers yet, but the founder, Tom Williams, has said: “Given the high number of responses and the number of issues marked ‘resolved’ or ‘improved’ by employees, it appears as though the service has been used primarily as intended,”

Clear and constructive feedback is definitely a key-factor in improving workspace collaboration. It only makes sense that this should be a two-way channel of communication between employee and manager.

via ReadWriteWeb