Karl Kapp on The Gamification of Instructional Design and Learning

Karl Kapp on The Gamification of Instructional Design and Learning

karl kapp

Karl Kapp Shares His Veteran Experience with Games in the Classroom

The Gamification Revolution is the only live gamification webcast featuring Gabe Zichermann and fellow gamification experts every week. Join us and have all of your gamification questions answered by these experts. Today we’ll be looking at last week’s guest: Karl Kapp, Professor/Consultant at Bloomsburg University and Gamified Learning Veteran.

Be sure to catch our next episode this Thursday, September 5th at 1PM ET/1800 GMT, where we will feature Jon Radoff, entrepreneur, author, and game/gamification designer.

Remember you can participate in the show if you sign-in and RSVP! Signing in will allow you to receive show reminders, ask questions, and even join Gabe and our guest for a live question.

In last week’s episode, Karl and Gabe went through many of the anxieties teachers have with games in the classrooms and how to address them. This is a great episode to watch if you’re an educator and are unsure about the right way to incorporate games into the classroom. Karl goes into some really top-notch insights about not only the games but the teachers themselves!

Check out the full interview in the video below:

Download this episode (right click and save)


  1. I was just wondering if you have transcripts of this interview. I am doing a presentation on gamification in instructional design, and I would like to share some of Mr. Kapp’s ideas.