VentureBeat – Gamification & VC Investment

VentureBeat – Gamification & VC Investment


I have an Op-Ed on VentureBeat today entitled “VCs level up with ‘gamification‘”. It focuses on the increased amount of seed and early stage capital that has been going into gamification within the last year and what that means for development and the future. Effectively, investment enters the gamification channel either as pure-play (gamification-only) or to fund gamification-centric activity (e.g. a finance company gamifying). Additionally, funding can be, broadly, early-stage or expansion capital. What do you think the market holds for gamification of VC investment?

You can also leave a comment here or follow me on Twitter.

You can hear me, Tim Chang, Rajat Paharia and many more talk about the future of gamification at the Gamification Summit.


  1. Few words carry more fascination to an entrepreneur than “venture capital.” The two words may mean different things to different people. Across the world, venture capital means the freedom to have the money to turn your idea from the workbench or the lab into reality.

  2. Why does a venture capital fund invest in a particular business? To make a profit. Yes, they may be interested in other issues, but the core purpose is to maximize their return on investment by quickly building your business and taking it public.