The Proof is in the Playboy

The Proof is in the Playboy


Bunchball’s gamification campaign with Playboy digital has shown promising results. According to an interview with Bunchball’s chief product officer Rajat Paharia in VentureBeat, “We’ve seen huge growth in gamification over the past year and we’re thrilled to see that translate into genuine customer demand.”

The numbers are impressive. Bunchball’s gamification of the site resulted in an 85 percent rate of re-engagement, 60 percent improvement in monthly revenues, and since the project began in December, the active user base has grown to 80,000.

There remain many skeptics of the potential of gamification, but Paharia disagrees:

Research shows that there are very different motivators for work. The No. 1 thing that makes people feel like they had a good day is making progress at work, Paharia said. The second most valuable thing is recognition, he said. Gamification offers something on both of those fronts in providing incentives that are more powerful than dollars, Paharia said.

VentureBeat’s hypothesis is that gamification is hot because it might be a natural successor to free-to-play and social games. If you make the funnel larger and engage more users with free content, then the number of payed-subscribers down the line will also increase. It will be interesting to see how this holds up as more case studies become available.

For full coverage, be sure to check out the article on VentureBeat.


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