Gilt’s New Loyalty Program Provides Exclusive Access to Customers

Gilt’s New Loyalty Program Provides Exclusive Access to Customers


GSummitX on Loyalty and Composting

The gamification community in NYC came together last night for our first GSummitX event fully focused on loyalty marketing. To start things off, Gilt Groupe’s Jeff Bobula (Program Manager) delivered an educating talk on Gilt’s new loyalty program, Gilt Insider. Then, we all engaged in our Play for a Cause to help solve NYC’s composting issue. While all this was going on, Livecube gamified our event for us.

Let’s start with Gilt Noir…

By providing it’s users access to exclusive experiences through Gilt Insider, Gilt has been able to heavily engage many current and new customers. One of the mechanisms they used…access. Access is one of what Gabe Zichermann calls “SAPS” — Status, Access, Power & Stuff. It’s what all loyalty marketers need to know, understand and implement effectively.

Gilt has been an expert on implementing Status & Access in the past and now even more with Gilt Insider. One of the more well known features of Gilt has been Gilt Noir–a status that few customers receive for engaging with Gilt (used to be for top spenders on Noir provides exclusive access, such as a head start to each day’s flash sale before the general public has a chance to purchase goods. It’s 100% brilliant.

Following our consumer loyalty talk, we held another successful Play for a Cause. This time, we were solving the composting challenge that NYC & Michael Bloomberg are facing. The challenge presented to the audience was to get more NY’ers to compost. Our gamified brainstorming workshop motivated our attendees to come up with some excellent ideas to help solve this issue. Two favorites were:

  1. A powered compost bin at every street corner to prevent people from having to keep smelly compost in their home or building.
  2. A farmer’s market haul-away rewards program that rewards market vendors with better booth location based on how much compost they collect during the previous market day.

It was another fantastic event and we’re looking forward to doing more around the world at GSummit Global. A big thanks to our GSummitX NYC members, Jeff Bobula & Gilt, AOL for hosting us and Livecube for providing their gamified twitter event app.

To join a GSummitX near you, check out our list of meetup locations around the world.

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